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Tuesday, November 13, 2007UC Football = Firstborn ChildOK, so today I was driving home from work listening to Lance McAlister (a local sports talk show host). I generally like Lance...sometimes he goes overboard and starts to squeal a bit, but he isn't a shock jock or anything like. Usually he is pretty well thought out. Today wasn't so hot though. Lance was talking about UC football and basically how he is ashamed at the city for not supporting the team. OK...that might be true I guess. Although I'm not sure why it matters if people are there or not. Shouldn't you be playing to win, no matter if there are 10 people there or 100,000? Anyway...then he played a clip of former UC player and current radio analyst Jason Collins Baker. Baker proceeded to eviscerate the people of Cincinnati for not supporting the team. Then he said something like this, "It's like when my kid is playing the trumpet. He's no good. But I still encourage him. I still tell him to keep on doing it. And even if he ends up not being any good...he will still know that he can accomplish things because I was there with him." OK. First of all...I hope he doesn't have a kid. But the way he was talking it sure sounded personal. Sucks to go to school the next day and have all the kids make fun of you because your dad told the city that you suck at the trumpet. Nice encouragement there dad! Second...DID YOU JUST COMPARE ENCOURAGING YOUR OWN CHILDREN TO ENCOURAGING A COLLEGE FOOTBALL TEAM? I think so. I don't know how to react to that. I don't have any kids, but my guess is that the dynamics are a little different. Maybe he's right though. Maybe the next time his son misses a note while sucking at the trumpet, Baker should make him go push a tackling sled around. So I was shocked after hearing this. Even more shocked when Lance (a super family man) agreed with him. But wait...there's more!! The next caller said that he played at UC with Baker and said Baker is a great guy (probably true). He then said this...which is so awesome it gets it's own little section: What makes me mad is when I walk around the city and see people with OSU, Kentucky and Notre Dame hats on! I mean...you go up to them and ask if they went to school there...and like 4 out of 10 don't really have an association with the schoolok...give me a second...I'm not good at math. ok...take 6...divide by 10...add 4...carry the 1...ummm... Wait!! This means that 60% of his made up people do have an association with the school! HEY STUPID CALLER...IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE A MADE UP STRAW POLL WITH MADE UP STATISTICS...YOU MIGHT WANT TO MAKE UP NUMBERS THAT WOULD ACTUALLY HELP YOUR MADE UP ARGUMENT. STUPID. (note the bolded and italicized emphasis!) Certainly not a good advertisement for the education levels at UC. Actually...his numbers aren't complete. My follow up survey shows that 1 out of 1 people who call in to radio shows and played football with Jason Collins Baker are idiots. Subscribe to the DIA Feed Labels: Lance McAlister, UC Bearcats